School Mission & Vision


The Catholic School shares in the mission of the Church to proclaim and build the Kingdom of God. The Catholic School, as a faith community, is committed to excellence in Catholicity and in all areas that promote the development of the whole child to his or her full potential. The Catholic School strives to develop Christian leaders, responsible citizens and life-long learners.


In living out our mission as members of the Catholic Schools, Jamshedpur Diocese,


  •   Develop an understanding of and share in the mission to proclaim and build the kingdom of God.
  •   Acquire the skills, knowledge and attitudes to reach their fullest potential.
  •   Develop as balanced persons spiritually, emotionally, physically and intellectually.
  •   Respect others and be stewards over their environment.
  •   Share their talents and participate in all aspects of school life.
  •   Be Catholic leaders, responsible citizens and life-long learners.
  •   Be accountable for their role within the system.


  •  Be committed to the mission to proclaim and build the kingdom of God.
  •   Be advocates for education.
  •   Work cooperatively with and support the administration and staff of the school.
  •   Support opportunities that foster student success.
  •   Treat others with respect.
  •   Be committed to fostering education that promotes strong leaders.
  •   Be accountable for their role within the system.


  •  Carry out their role in the mission to proclaim and build the kingdom of God.
  •  Be committed to the development of the whole child.
  •  Plan for and support appropriate, challenging learning experiences and positive learning environments for all students.
  •  Be committed to build a community and act with justice and integrity.
  •  Be committed to continuous personal and professional development.
  •  Treat others with respect.
  •  Be committed to fostering education that promotes strong Catholic leaders.
  •  Be accountable for their role within the system.


  •  Be committed to the mission to proclaim and build the kingdom of God.
  •  Be committed to operating in an effective and efficient manner.
  •  Be committed to implementing policy and procedures as representatives of Catholic Schools of Jamshedpur Diocese.
  •  Collaborate appropriately with staff.
  •  Be committed to serving all families.
  •  Promote high standards of education, conduct, safety, and the well being of students and staff.
  •  Treat others with respect.
  •  Be committed to fostering education that promotes strong Catholic leaders.
  •  Be accountable for their role within the system.
  •  Provide leadership in the proclamation and building of the kingdom of God.
  •  Be committed to operating in an effective and efficient manner.
  •  Be advocates for Catholic Schools with the Catholic community, the public and the government.
  •  Promote high standards of education, conduct and safety for all students and staff.
  •  Be responsible for the effective and efficient operation of each school.
  •  Develop and provide strategic direction for the system.
  •  Supervise appropriate evaluation to ensure accountability throughout the system.