Welcome to The Catholic Diocese Of Jamshedpur
The history of the Church in Chotnagapur is intimately linked to and has its deep roots in a village known as Khuntpani in the parish of Chaibasa, West Singhbhum. Fr. Augustus Stockman, S.J., a 42 years old Belgian Missionary, arrived at Chaibasa on November 24, 1868 on a bullock-cart, which took him 10-days of arduous journey from Midnapur, West Bengal. The Archbishop of Kolkata, Walter Steins, S.J., authorized Fr. Stockman to start a mission parish at Chaibasa, dedicated to St Francis Xavier.....
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Diffusion of Useful Knowledge
i. To diffuse social, religious, secular, scientific knowledge and to inculcate social, moral and religious values.
ii. The Society is formed by the members of the Christian Community for the purpose of establishing and administering educational, vocational and other institutions of its choice as per the Provisions of Article 30 of the Constitution of India.
Social Works
We, the Catholic Diocese of Jamshedpur commit ourselves to uphold the dignity, rights and duties of all, especially of the weak and the marginalized and protect and promote the environment. To attain this end, we shall adopt every just and fair means and also collaborate with government and like minded organizations.
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